Character Creator 3 (CC3) has been released and as far as I can say it seems to be the most powerful tool for character creation on the market at the moment. Nevertheless we are just at the beginning and even if RL invested a lot of efforts and care to make all CC1 contents compatible with CC3 there may be still some issues with some assets. That said I just wanted to let you know that I'm aware of some minor issues with my current CC morph packs when applying them to the new CC3 bases.
I'm already in the process of checking and adjusting all my current morph packs. I will do my best to release the (free) upgrade as soon as possible. I will keep you updated on my progress in this thread. Please also feel free to post any issues you encounter when applying ToKoMotion Morphs to the new CC3 base here - two heads are better than one
Thanks in advance and I hope you're enjoying CC3 as much as I do. See you around.