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07. [iClone 7.3 NEW RELEASE] Discard Simulating Frames

Posted By Joanne (RL) 6 Years Ago
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Joanne (RL)
Joanne (RL)
Posted 6 Years Ago
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New Discard Simulating Frames under Render > Output Range can be used to remove the warm up frames for physics, speedtree wind, and particle simulation from the starting value of the Export Range

Instructions: iClone is a real-time engine that requires playback time in order to simulate physics for export to video and image sequences.  These warm up frames would usually be cut out in post-processing. In the example below, warm up time must be reserved for the fluttering dress and hair.|

Set Discard Simulating Frames to 75 frames to flutter the dress immediately.

Compare and contrast Discard Simulating Frames set to 0 and 75. 
Discard Simulating Frames = 75 exported video (right) effectively achieves mid-motion for  cloth and hair soft-cloth physics. 

Compare and contrast Discard Simulating Frames set to 0 and 250 for particle effects.
Discard Simulating Frames = 250 exported video (right) effectively achieves full volume smoke.

Compare and contrast Discard Simulating Frames set to 0 and 250 for Speedtree. 
Discard Simulating Frames = 250 exported video (right) effectively achieves strong wind effects.
6 Years Ago by Joanne (RL)

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