I have gone through basically all settings but cannot figure this one out. A complete mystery, hoping for an iclone magician out there ;-) On latest Iclone version.
I am trying to render a scene with a transparent background, but one of the props in the scene is creating a stroke and shadow effect when it is on a transparent background. See example image. I have placed a floor and a sphere to demonstrate that as soon as there is a background, the stroke is removed. The tractor was an OBJ that was imported through 3DXchange.
On the image you can cleary see the stroke starting as soon as it's on transparent. If I set a white background all of the stroke is removed, and it only affects the tractor prop, not the avatar or the sphere prop in the example. I have also included the material settings, but I have gone through and tested all I can think of there as well.
Thanks for reading this post