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A few questions on Facial Mocap before I purchase

Posted By theschemer 7 Years Ago
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Hi. To the people that have purchased this or anyone that knows, I have a few pre-purchase questions on the new Facial MoCap.

Does the license lasts forever or just one year? Are updates free?

Do any of the popular voice changer software options work with this? I see you can speak and the lips move but I only have one voice. Can the finished voice track be exported and modified and then imported back?

Any other limits not readily obvious?

I am ready to purchase but need to really know if the voice changing software works and if so, how well.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Works like Indigo, Kinect, Perception Neuron, etc.  You buy once and will get free updates/compatability patches as the iClone software itself evolves.  
With an iClone 8 release, in the future let's say, you would pay for the new iClone 8, but not then separately again for an update to the Faceware plugin compatible with iClone 8.  ie - I had Indigo for iClone 6, bought iClone 7, and got a free update for Indigo so it is compatible with iClone 7.

As far as the audio goes, haven't tried, but seems like it is no different than audio recorded with a line-in, it is not 'locked' by the plugin itself.  Just the audio track, which could be exported and manipulated, then brought back in to match the visual.  Are you thinking of the audio purely by itself, or something more to do with a phoneme/viseme track blended with the faceware facial mocap recording? 

7 Years Ago by TonyDPrime
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TonyDPrime (9/20/2017)
Works like Indigo, Kinect, Perception Neuron, etc.  You buy once and will get free updates/compatability patches as the iClone software itself evolves.  
With an iClone 8 release, in the future let's say, you would pay for the new iClone 8, but not then separately again for an update to the Faceware plugin compatible with iClone 8.  ie - I had Indigo for iClone 6, bought iClone 7, and got a free update for Indigo so it is compatible with iClone 7.

As far as the audio goes, haven't tried, but seems like it is no different than audio recorded with a line-in, it is not 'locked' by the plugin itself.  Just the audio track, which could be exported and manipulated, then brought back in to match the visual.  Are you thinking of the audio purely by itself, or something more to do with a phoneme/viseme track blended with the faceware facial mocap recording? 

  Thanks for the info. I was mainly concerned with the altered audio voices being blended with the facial mocap recording. For example, talk with mocap recording using a voice changer like Morphvox orDiamond Voice Changer 9.5 or others. Wanted to know if I could use that like the first demo video by 3DTest where he is just using his normal voice, but have the altered voice instead. I was also happy to see that wearing eyeglasses doesn't seem to post a problem like it does with FaceRig. I do not have one of the recommended video cameras but will be ordering a Logitech C922 today. Does the trial work with any older Logitech cameras just for testing?

Posted 7 Years Ago
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theschemer (9/20/2017)

...I was mainly concerned with the altered audio voices being blended with the facial mocap recording. 

(To Edit Audio)
"Does iClone display the "Audio" track of the FW animation?"
...if so, you're good to go. (Simply edit the audio)

..if not...
Use any NLE i.e. Vegas, Premeire Pro....  (where the audio is placed on an audio track).
~ Edit the audio

FW uses markerless (Algorithms) to accurately record facial expressions.
You can NOT simply add a (Voice) file and expect FW to WORK!

7 Years Ago by but0fc0ursee
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theschemer (9/20/2017)
TonyDPrime (9/20/2017)
Works like Indigo, Kinect, Perception Neuron, etc.  You buy once and will get free updates/compatability patches as the iClone software itself evolves.  
With an iClone 8 release, in the future let's say, you would pay for the new iClone 8, but not then separately again for an update to the Faceware plugin compatible with iClone 8.  ie - I had Indigo for iClone 6, bought iClone 7, and got a free update for Indigo so it is compatible with iClone 7.

As far as the audio goes, haven't tried, but seems like it is no different than audio recorded with a line-in, it is not 'locked' by the plugin itself.  Just the audio track, which could be exported and manipulated, then brought back in to match the visual.  Are you thinking of the audio purely by itself, or something more to do with a phoneme/viseme track blended with the faceware facial mocap recording? 

  Thanks for the info. I was mainly concerned with the altered audio voices being blended with the facial mocap recording. For example, talk with mocap recording using a voice changer like Morphvox orDiamond Voice Changer 9.5 or others. Wanted to know if I could use that like the first demo video by 3DTest where he is just using his normal voice, but have the altered voice instead. I was also happy to see that wearing eyeglasses doesn't seem to post a problem like it does with FaceRig. I do not have one of the recommended video cameras but will be ordering a Logitech C922 today. Does the trial work with any older Logitech cameras just for testing?

The trial should work with any camera that the normal version works with -- the trial isn't any different.  If you watch the demos the user is using a 920 for all of them (he switches briefly to a better facecam just to show 60fps).  As long as you can get 30fps you can get good quality.

I have the 922, though, and it works great (although I'm off to test now with my various SLRs and other cameras just to see if there's any difference and to improve my workflow -- one advantage in using a PNG sequence is you *could* get better audio to work with in the first place.  I'm not sure what format or spec iClone records the audio, but it might not be the best so it's always better to have options).

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Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
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Does iClone display the audio track of FW????
Posted 7 Years Ago
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but0fc0ursee (9/20/2017)
theschemer (9/20/2017)

...I was mainly concerned with the altered audio voices being blended with the facial mocap recording. 

(To Edit Audio)
"Does iClone display the "Audio" track of the FW animation?"
...if so, you're good to go. (Simply edit the audio)

..if not...
Use any NLE i.e. Vegas, Premeire Pro....  (where the audio is placed on an audio track).
~ Edit the audio

FW uses markerless (Algorithms) to accurately record facial expressions.
You can NOT simply add a (Voice) file and expect FW to WORK!

I know I can export the audio through the render panel so I think I can make it work. Export audio, modify audio, and import it or just add it with the NLE. I just wanted to take advantage of doing less viseme editing but be able to use multiple voices. I haven't really done much of that exporting trick so I wanted to make sure it was still a viable solution.

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Kelleytoons (9/20/2017)
theschemer (9/20/2017)
TonyDPrime (9/20/2017)
Works like Indigo, Kinect, Perception Neuron, etc.  You buy once and will get free updates/compatability patches as the iClone software itself evolves.  
With an iClone 8 release, in the future let's say, you would pay for the new iClone 8, but not then separately again for an update to the Faceware plugin compatible with iClone 8.  ie - I had Indigo for iClone 6, bought iClone 7, and got a free update for Indigo so it is compatible with iClone 7.

As far as the audio goes, haven't tried, but seems like it is no different than audio recorded with a line-in, it is not 'locked' by the plugin itself.  Just the audio track, which could be exported and manipulated, then brought back in to match the visual.  Are you thinking of the audio purely by itself, or something more to do with a phoneme/viseme track blended with the faceware facial mocap recording? 

  Thanks for the info. I was mainly concerned with the altered audio voices being blended with the facial mocap recording. For example, talk with mocap recording using a voice changer like Morphvox orDiamond Voice Changer 9.5 or others. Wanted to know if I could use that like the first demo video by 3DTest where he is just using his normal voice, but have the altered voice instead. I was also happy to see that wearing eyeglasses doesn't seem to post a problem like it does with FaceRig. I do not have one of the recommended video cameras but will be ordering a Logitech C922 today. Does the trial work with any older Logitech cameras just for testing?

The trial should work with any camera that the normal version works with -- the trial isn't any different.  If you watch the demos the user is using a 920 for all of them (he switches briefly to a better facecam just to show 60fps).  As long as you can get 30fps you can get good quality.

I have the 922, though, and it works great (although I'm off to test now with my various SLRs and other cameras just to see if there's any difference and to improve my workflow -- one advantage in using a PNG sequence is you *could* get better audio to work with in the first place.  I'm not sure what format or spec iClone records the audio, but it might not be the best so it's always better to have options).

All I have is a Logitech C270 for playing around with FaceRig a little so I don't know if that will work. Never did any kind of Mocap before so this will all be new to me. I also have an old GoPro but never used it for anything but motorcycle ride videos.

Posted 7 Years Ago
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theschemer (9/20/2017)
I just wanted to take advantage of doing less viseme editing but be able to use multiple voices. I haven't really done much of that exporting trick so I wanted to make sure it was still a viable solution.

Uh Oh!
~ Viseme Editing and  Audio editing MUST be done at the same time or you'll do DOUBLE the work.

You can easily switch out audio tracks that have ONLY...
~ Pitch and other (minor) adjustments.
Once you change a "Phoneme"... you MUST adjust the audio to reflect the change.
...otherwise you will NOT have "Believable Lip Sync."

Posted 7 Years Ago
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but0fc0ursee (9/20/2017)
theschemer (9/20/2017)
I just wanted to take advantage of doing less viseme editing but be able to use multiple voices. I haven't really done much of that exporting trick so I wanted to make sure it was still a viable solution.

Uh Oh!
~ Viseme Editing and  Audio editing MUST be done at the same time or you'll do DOUBLE the work.

You can easily switch out audio tracks that have ONLY...
~ Pitch and other (minor) adjustments.
Once you change a "Phoneme"... you MUST adjust the audio to reflect the change.
...otherwise you will NOT have "Believable Lip Sync."

Yeah, I just want to change the pitch etc for a different sounding voice. I suppose I will have to do some editing one way or another. But the whole point was that I very seldom use my own voice and have no voice actors, so I will have to use my voice now. But will need to change the pitch etc to make many characters. Or at least a few for a conversation...

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