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What is the difference between G1, G2 , G2+ , G3 and G3 elastic??

Posted By kristenanne77 7 Years Ago
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What is the difference between G1, G2 , G2+ , G3 and G3 elastic??

Posted 7 Years Ago
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I have CrazyTalk Animator 3. I am very confused about the G1,G2,G2+, G3  and G3 elastic actors and accessories.
What is the difference?
Are they all interchangeable?
Also that leads me to the next question. In the store I see G2 and G3 stuff. How do I know what will work with what I have?

Edward (RL)
Edward (RL)
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Take look!
7 Years Ago by Scarecrow.H
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sorry, the tut is only in german language, but i hope the pictures shows you the different of G1,G2,G3


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kristenanne77 (6/1/2017)
I have CrazyTalk Animator 3. I am very confused about the G1,G2,G2+, G3  and G3 elastic actors and accessories.
What is the difference?
Are they all interchangeable?
Also that leads me to the next question. In the store I see G2 and G3 stuff. How do I know what will work with what I have?


You can't interchange body parts between different generations. So for example you can't add a G2 upper body to a G1 character. Heads however can be applied to any generation. You can find additional information about character types in the Online Manual.

When you purchase content from the Content Store or Marketplace, always check the requirements carefully. In general though CTA3 supports all generations from G1 to G3 so you will be able to buy content in any generation you wish.

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Thanks. I will watch. I only know a little german. Too bad there is no translation.
Every little bit helps!


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