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Confusion About Products & Product Licensing & Exporting

Posted By prestonux 9 Years Ago
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Confusion About Products & Product Licensing & Exporting

Posted 9 Years Ago
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It seems like your products are all over the place. I'm new to this field but extremely confused on the things I need to purchase to do what I want to do. Then I saw this thing about purchasing licenses for other content. If I'm creating things with that content and purchase it to make new creations why would I need to purchase more licensing to do things with the stuff I created? 

So bare with me a minute, because I'm a customer from the outside looking in and trying to figure out which end is up.If I'm confused I'm pretty sure you could imagine how other customers might feel with product segmentation that seem obtuse.  I'm also working in Holograms and design. I'm pretty much new to the whole field.

So here is what I need I think?

1. Iclone License 
2. Character creator License?

All of my stuff in some way will be exported from these tools and used in Unity and then other magic has to happen along the way. Everything will need to be exported. But then I read about this really complex export process and it makes me shy away from this toolset.

Here is what I want to do

1. Create Characters & Monsters
2. Setup Animation Sequences (pre-built or custom) - (I know there are some things in the content market place for these), Voice & Possibly Kinect Mocap
3. Export whatever I create so it can be used in Unity
4. Rinse and repeat

Thank you for reading all that if you read it all

Posted 9 Years Ago
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I have the exact same question.

In fact, I actually opened a support ticket to their sales staff about 4 months ago, asking exactly what I need to purchase to get this working with Unity.  They must be doing well if they can't be bothered to reply to sales emails :)

Here is my best guess..

The above suggests that some plugin called 3DXchange can be bought for like $100 somewhere that just adds basic support for OBJ formats.  But they also have another plugin called 3DXchange Pipeline that is around $200 dollars and adds support for FBX file formats.  No idea if either are even needed for support with Unity, the article "suggests" the FBX plugin, but doesn't directly state such.  The awkward pricing models is a big part of the reason why I've avoided this series of products and stuck with MakeHuman.

If anyone out there can give some light on what the minimum we need to buy to just get this working in Unity, that would be cool.  It makes me nervous they aren't supporting the product better...

Update:  So even though their own native format supports rigs and bones, they require you to pay $200 for the "Pipeline" to allow you to export to FBX for bones.  Just playing with iClone character creator now though, its extremely limiting and not very user friendly.  I'm not sure I'd consider this an upgrade over MakeHuman at this point.  Not sure if this is because the trial version is marked as "CC lite" (no articles on what lite versus pro is for CC).  But, more confusion, and something for others to consider.

Update #2:  Side note, children.  I was interested in this program because I was told it can do aging and children.  But, now I see that is another add-on pack you need to purchase.  This is sure getting complicated and expensive quickly.  Looks like that is another $300 dollars, just to support FBX as well.

Update #3:  Ah, no, it looks like the Lite version only lets you play with like 5 or 6 sliders.  But otherwise is "feature complete" compared to the full version of CC.  And there are 5 different add-ons they expect you to purchase. 
In hindsight, I'm good.  I'm not that interested anymore.  I feel sorry for anyone who starts walking down this slipper slope.
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As shared above, we don't want to create a movie.  That doesn't answer our question on what we we need to purchase in the slightest....

No offense, but personally I have no interest in iClone *except* to do exactly what the OP outlined:

Here is what I want to do

1. Create Characters & Monsters
2. Setup Animation Sequences (pre-built or custom) - (I know there are some things in the content market place for these), Voice & Possibly Kinect Mocap
3. Export whatever I create so it can be used in Unity4. Rinse and repeat

Which raises the exact same question, what exactly do we need to purchase, in order to do this with Unity?  I see entire pages dedicated to video card installation procedures, but nothing on what we need to purchase ...  And your post, although I'm assuming well intentioned, doesn't explain anything.

That said, I've been playing with the character stuff for the last hour, and its a pretty abysmal experience.  If the LITE version is anything like the PRO version, it isn't work much more than a paypal donation ...

My best guess, at this point, is that we need to pay:
- $690, for iClone 6 Pro and that "Pipeline" stuff, comes with an extremely basic version of CC
- $299, for the Character Creator version of Essentials that supports FBX, adds basic sliders to age characters
- $1,196 for the other CC add-ons, if a person wants more than like 5 shirts
Total:  $2,115

And that is assuming I haven't missed a bunch more licenses somewhere...  plus upgrade pricing when you release iClone 6.
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sw00000p (9/5/2016)

CC gives you unlimited free characters.
You need to purchase a license for purchased characters, props and animation.

I'd be very careful trying to sell anything else created by Reallusion..

Thank you for taking the time to try and help, but I'm not sure you understand, I honestly have no interest in wanting to "sell anything else created by Reallusion". 

I just would like someone to say what software packages exactly we need to purchase, to create ageable characters in Unity with a realistic amount of clothing selections? 

This is what is being advertised on the feature and information pages for iClone.  It is concerning that this is so difficult to find an answer for...  On a separate topic, for some reason, your posts are adding like a dozen carriage returns between your signature and your content.
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sw00000p (9/5/2016)
To create characters..... there is CC, Crazy Talk and iClone.
 • 3dxchange to import / export.

OK, so we need to purchase:
- iClone (699), with CC basic
- Crazy Talk (???)
- 3DExchange (PRO?  Pipeline?)

Are you saying we only need to purchase 3DExchange?  Which version of 3DExchange?  There are two.

Also,  I asked about character aging.  The only aging sliders, I see in the Essentials pack.  Is that not also required to create aging characters?  What about the other question, a realistic number of clothing assets?  I feel like you aren't really reading what I'm asking ...  But baby steps... at least I'm getting information in small pieces :)  Even if it is in a long serious of responses...
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sw00000p (9/5/2016)
To export animated characters you need to purchase 3dxchange pipeline.

OK we are getting closer ...

So we need to purchase:
- iClone
- Character Creator Basic
- Crazy Talk
- 3DExchange Pipeline

Now, to the last two missing pieces.  Based on this, my assumption is if I purchase exactly what you have said so far - I still won't have what I've been asking for.  Is the essentials pack not required to age characters?  Doesn't CC Pro only come with like maybe 28 odd pieces of clothing?
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sw00000p (9/5/2016)
1. iClone has characters that can be used in Unity.
2. Crazy Talk has characters that can be used in Unity.
3. CC has characters that can be used in Unity.
You don't need to purchase them all.

This conveniently didn't answer the last two questions ...  In addition, I can't find anywhere on this page where can I purchase Character Creator without iClone.
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sw00000p (9/5/2016)
Perhaps if you send your question to RL Support..... they can give you the exact details you require.

As I already said, the last time I contacted them I went 4 months without a response.  Hence why I am here instead.

It scares me that in support emails or even on the forums, I can't get an answer to "what on earth do I need to purchase?".  That is a scary situation for your product line my friend.  Even on this page, it shows that Character Creator requires iClone to be used.  And it shows that a plugin is needed for aging.  And another plugin needed for clothing.

These contradict what you've told me so far, and what is needed to be purchased... 

Does that not mean that the following need to be purchased?  Why are you giving me different answers every time?  You have me more uncertain now than ever about what is needed to be purchased ...
- iClone [699]
- Character Creator Basic
- 3DExchange Pipeline
- Character Creator Essentials [299]
- Character Creator Clothing whatever [299]

Keep in mind, these questions are about very expensive software.  The basic question every user has, which is "what do I need to buy" should be immediately apparent on your website, unless of course, you don't care about making sales.  It isn't like making a purchasing mistake with reallusion will cost me a few bucks, its a significant chunk of cash, without a clear understanding of exactly what we are purchasing.  Even the trial versions are not one-to-one feature comparisons with what we buy.  So, what we are buying is somewhat of a mystery to anyone on our side of the conversation.  A crystal clear outline from someone from reallusion that is investing the time to actually read what is being asked, would be greatly appreciated...

You don't need to reply anytime soon for me.  I'm going to free up a few GB of iClone stuff, but for future customers, you may want to find out how to answer basic pricing information...  or not.  Your call I guess.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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That package > iClone 6 Studio Pipeline Suite Price: $599.00

liebe Grüße vidi

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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kermed (9/5/2016)
I have the exact same question.

In fact, I actually opened a support ticket to their sales staff about 4 months ago, asking exactly what I need to purchase to get this working with Unity.  They must be doing well if they can't be bothered to reply to sales emails :)

We reply to all support tickets and normally within 48 hours during weekdays. I have had a check and can only find one support ticket this year asking for your account to be deleted. If you used a different account email address to contact us originally, please let me know by PM what it was and I will investigate. Thanks.


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